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    Present Chapter: Following chapters Of the Vertigos
  • Predominance of causes of the symptom: Vertigos

    On the data of the predominance for the causes of the vertigos: Important! The data down do not indicate the most probable diagnosis for any symptom. Always look for the professional diagnosis soon of any symptom. This information combines possible causes of the vertigos of the symptom according to the observed thing in several sources, with predominance of the disease or integrated datas of the incidence of other sources. Therefore, this provides only the statistical information of a general nature. The probability of any disease that causes a particular symptom does not depend strongly on the total predominance of the disease, but it is affected by numerous other patient factors including other concurrent symptoms, details, et cetera. In addition, this list and data originated in computer can be incorrect, erroneous, or of deceits.

    List of causes of the vertigos of the symptom: Underneath it is a list of possible diseases or the medical conditions that they have been identified as is possible causes of the vertigos of the symptom in several sources. This list originated in computer can be inexact, old fashioned, or incorrect.

    Symptoms related to the vertigos: vertigo (8), difficulty of the balance (75), weakness (227)
    Type of the vertigos of: Desmayando (91), Síncope (140)
    Symptoms: center of the symptom, groups of the symptom

    Related medical articles for the vertigos of the symptom:
  • Symptom: Vertigos
  • Possible causes of the symptom: Vertigos (57 conditions)
  • Medical conditions that cause symptom: Vertigos (76 conditions)
  • Medical conditions that cause the complication: Vertigos (7 conditions)

    Last reviewed: Of nov the 26 of 2003

    Symptoms > vertigos > predominance of causes

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