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oxcarbazepine (rock to kar of zeh of the BAY of the ox)

Which is the most important information that I must know on Trileptal?

It does not stop taking from Trileptal without first speaking with his doctor, even if you one feels better. It is important to continue taking Trileptal to avoid that the graspings are repeated. To stop Trileptal can suddenly give rise to increasing frequency of the grasping. If the medication needs to be stopped, his doctor can need to lower the metering gradually.
Trileptal can diminish the effectiveness of pills of the birth control. Use a second method of birth control whereas it takes Trileptal to assure the protection against involuntary pregnancy.
It does not drink the alcohol whereas it takes Trileptal. The alcohol can increase to the somnolencia or the vertigos caused in Trileptal. The alcohol can also increase the risk of graspings.
Trileptal can cause somnolencia, vertigos, the guarded vision, or the poor coordination. It does not lead, it does not work the dangerous machinery, nor it makes other dangerous activities until you know Trileptal affects to him. If you experience somnolencia, vertigos, the guarded vision, or the poor coordination, she avoids these activities.

Which is Trileptal?

Trileptal is a drug that affects the nerves and the brain. It works diminishing impulses in the nerves that cause graspings.
Trileptal is only used and with other drugs to treat graspings.
Trileptal can also be used for the intentions with exception of those enumerated in this guide of the medication.

What I must discuss with my supplier of healthcare before taking Trileptal?

It does not take Trileptal without first speaking with its doctor if you have always had an allergic reaction to carbamazepine (Tegretol, others). You can have an allergic reaction to Trileptal.
Before taking this medication, he says to his doctor if you have
     · disease of the kidney, or
     · disease of the higado one.
You cannot be able to take Trileptal, or you can require an adjustment of the metering or a special supervision during the treatment if you have nobodies of the enumerated conditions above.
Trileptal is in category C of the FDA. This means that it is not known if Trileptal will be harmful to a baby of unborn. It does not take this medication without first speaking with his doctor if you are embarrassed nor could arrive to be embarrassed during the treatment.
Trileptal happens in maternal milk and can be harmful to an infant of the nurse office. It does not take this medication without first speaking with his doctor if you are nursing baby.
If you are on 60 years of the age, you can be more probable to experience indirect effect of Trileptal. His doctor can prescribe one more a lower dose or a special supervision during the treatment.

How I must take Trileptal?

Exactly take Trileptal according to the directed thing by its doctor. If you do not understand these instructions, requests that its phamacist, nurse, or doctor explains you.
Take each dose with a full crystal from water.
Trileptal can be taken with or without the food.
Sacudara the affluent suspension before measuring a dose. In order to make sure that you obtain the correct dose, it measures the suspension with a spoon or a cup dose-that measures, not with a regular spoon of the table. If you do not have a device dose-that measures, it asks his phamacist where you can obtain one.
It is important to take Trileptal regularly to obtain most of the advantage.
It does not stop taking from Trileptal without first speaking with his doctor, even if you one feels better. It is important to continue taking Trileptal to avoid that the graspings are repeated. To stop Trileptal can suddenly give rise to increasing frequency of the grasping. If the medication needs to be stopped, his doctor can need to lower the metering gradually.
If the treatment with Trileptal is stopped for any reason, between in contact with a its doctor before recommencing the medication. One more a lower dose can be necessary to avoid that the indirect effect happen.
His doctor can wanted that you had medical analyses of blood or other evaluations during the treatment with Trileptal to supervise to progress and indirect effect.
Take or you use a label of medical identification leaves other knowledge that you are taking this medicine in the case from an emergency.
Store Trileptal in the room temperature far from the humidity and of the heat. The suspension is due to use in the term of 7 weeks of the first opening the bottle.

What happens if I lack a dose?

Take the lacked dose as soon as you you remember. Nevertheless, if almost it is hour for the following dose, it jumps the lacked dose and it takes only the dose regularly to program following. It does not take a double dose from this medication.

What happens if overdose?

Medical treatment of the emergency of the search.
The symptoms of an overdose of Trileptal are not known.

What I must avoid whereas it takes Trileptal?

It does not drink the alcohol whereas it takes Trileptal. The alcohol can increase to the somnolencia or the vertigos caused in Trileptal. The alcohol can also increase the risk of graspings.
Trileptal can cause somnolencia, vertigos, the guarded vision, or the poor coordination. It does not lead, it does not work the dangerous machinery, nor it makes other dangerous activities until you know Trileptal affects to him. If you experience somnolencia, vertigos, the guarded vision, or the poor coordination, she avoids these activities.

Which are the possible indirect effect of Trileptal?

If you experience nobodies of the following serious indirect effect, look for the medical attention of the emergency or consult your doctor immediately:
     · an allergic reaction (breathing of the difficulty; it closes of the throat; swelling of the lips, the tongue-piece, or the face; or beehives);
     · symptoms of sodium under the blood (nausea, general malaise, headache, extreme somnolencia, or confusion);
     · effects of the central nervous system (difficulty with the concentration, the speech, or the language; sleepiness or excessive fatigue; a loss of coordination or hardship that walks);
     · the double vision, nistagma (detrás-y-adelante movements of the eyes), guarded the visual vision, or other disturbances; or
     · frequency or worsening of increase of graspings.
Another one, the less serious indirect effect can be more probable to happen. Continue taking Trileptal and speaking with his doctor if you experiment
     · headache;
     · sleepiness or smooth fatigue;
     · nausea, vomiting, or pain the stomach;
     · tremor;
     · vertigos;
     · eruption;
     · diarrea, constipation, or diminished appetite;
     · increase of the weight; or
     · dry mouth.
The indirect effect with exception of those enumerated here can also happen. Speak with his doctor on any indirect effect that looks like unusual or that he is specially annoying.

What other drugs will affect Trileptal?

Trileptal builds reciprocally with many of other used drugs to treat graspings. Before taking Trileptal, it says to his doctor on the rest of the medications that you are taking. You can require an adjustment of the metering or a special supervision during the treatment if you are taking to a medication combination the graspings of convite. Exactly continue taking to all the medications prescribed the graspings of convite according to the directed thing.
Trileptal can diminish the effectiveness of pills of the birth control. Use a second method of birth control whereas it takes Trileptal to assure the protection against involuntary pregnancy.
Trileptal can increase the effects of other drugs that cause somnolencia, including antidepressants, the alcohol, the antihistamine ones, the sedatives (used to treat insomnia), the mitigadores of the pain, medicines of the anxiety, and the relajantes of the muscle. The sedación, the vertigos, or the somnolencia dangerous can happen if Trileptal is taken with nobodies from these medications.
The drugs with exception of those enumerated here can also build reciprocally with Trileptal or affect their condition. Speak with his doctor and phamacist before taking any prescription or medicines to over-the-counter, including herbarios products.

Where I can obtain more information?

His phamacist has additional information on Trileptal written for the health professionals that you can read.

Remember, you keep this and the rest of medicines outside the reach of children, never shares its medicines with others and uses this medication only for the prescribed condition.
Each effort has been made make sure that the information provided To sift Multum, Inc. (' multum ') is exact, updated, and to finish, but any guarantee to that effect does not become. The information of the contained drug attached can be sensible time. The information of the multum has been compiled for the use by the doctors of healthcare and the consumers in the United States and therefore multum do not authorize that the applications outside the United States are appropriate, unless it is indicated specifically of another way. The information of the drug of the multum does not endorse drugs, does not diagnose patients nor recommends therapy. The information of the drug of the multum is an informative resource designed to attend doctors licensed of healthcare in taking care of for its patients and/or to serve to consumers who see this service like supplement, and not a substitute for, to the masters, the ability, the knowledge and the opinion of the doctors of healthcare. The absence of a warning for one drugs given or of the combination of the drug of no way it is due to interpret to indicate that the drug or the combination of the drug is safe, effective or appropriate for any given patient. The multum does not assume that any responsibility of any aspect of healthcare administered with the aid of the multum of the information provides. The contained information attached does not think to cover all the possible applications, directions, precautions, warnings, allergic interactions of the drug, reactions, or injurious effects. If you have you ask on the drugs that you are taking, verifies with its doctor, nurse or phamacist.
Chasque here for more information on Trileptal of the manufacturer.

Copyright Version 1996-2003 To sift Multum, Inc.: 3.01. Date of the revision: 6/9/03.

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