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Disease Of the Vertigos and De Movimiento

Which Is Vertigos?

Some people describe a problem of the balance that says of her feels been annoying, lightheaded, unstable or vertiginous. This sensation of the imbalance or the dysequilibrium, without a sensation to give return or to rotate, is sometimes due to a problem of the internal oido one.

Which Is Vertigo?

Some people describe to their problem of the balance using the vertigo of the word, that comes from the Latin verb "to give return." They often say that they or their environs are giving returned or are rotating. The vertigo is frequently due to a problem of the internal oido one.

Which is disease of movement and disease of the sea?

Some people experience nausea and equal to vomit when mounting in it airplane, the automobile, or the stroll of the amusement park, and this one is called movement disease. Much people experience disease of movement when mounting in a boat or a ship, and this one is called disease of the sea although it is the same disorder. The disease of movement or the disease of the sea is generally right an annoyance of smaller importance and it does not mean any serious medical disease, but it incapacitates some travellers, and some even undergo the symptoms by some days after the trip.

The anatomy of the balance

The vertigos, the vertigo and the disease of movement everything are related to the sense of the balance and the balance. The investigators in space and aviation medicine call this sense spatial orientation, because he says to brain where it is the body "in space": what direction is indicating, what direction is moving, and if it is still that it gives return or that is stopped. Its sense of the balance is maintained by a complex interaction of the following parts of the nervous system:

1. The internal oidos ones (also called the labyrinth), that supervises the directions of movement, such as to give to return or movements forwards-al misfortune, of side to side, and above to down.

2. The eyes, that they supervise where it is the body in space (that is to say, straight the other way around, for above, etc.) and also directions of movement.

3. The receivers of the pressure of the skin for example in the feet and the seat, that say what leaves from the body is down and touching the Earth.

4. The common muscle and sensorial receivers, that they say what parts of the body are moving.

5. The central nervous system (the brain and the spinal marrow), that processes all the small pieces of the information of the four other systems to have a certain sense coordinated outside him everything.

The symptoms of the disease of movement and the vertigos appear when the central nervous system receives messages that are in conflict of the other four systems. For example, it supposes that you are mounting in it airplane during a storm, and his it airplane is being shaken around by turbulence of the air. But their eyes do not detect all this movement because everything what you see you are the interior of it airplane. Then its brain receives the messages that do not match upon the right with one to You you can be that patient does "of the air." Or it supposes that you one is seating in the back seat of a movable car that reads a book. Their internal and receiving oidos of the skin will detect the movement of their route, but their eyes see only the pages of their book. You could make "patient of the car." Or, to use true a medical condition like example, to suppose to him suffer damage of the internal oido one in only a side of an injury in the head or an infection. The damaged internal oido one does not send the same signals that the healthy ear. This signals that is in conflict to the brain on the sensation of the rotation, and you could undergo a sense to rotate or of the vertigo, as well as nausea.

What Medical Diseases Cause Vertigos?

1. Circulation: The disorders of the circulation of the blood are between the most common causes of the vertigos. If its brain does not obtain enough flow of the blood, you feel the directed light. Almost each one has experienced this in the occasion when being shutdown for above quickly of a position of under lie. But some people have headedness light of the poor circulation on a base frequents or chronicle. This could be caused arteriosclerasis or hardening of the arteries, and it sees itself commonly in the patients who have high the arterial tension, the diabetes, or stops levels of fats of the blood (cholesterol). She sees herself sometimes in patients with the inadequate function cardiac (of the heart) or with anemia. Certain drugs also diminish the flow of the blood to the brain, specially to stimulating such as the nicotine and caffein. Excess of the salt in the diet also leads to the poor circulation. The circulation is deteriorated sometimes by espasmos in the arteries caused by the tension, the anxiety, and the tension emotional. If the internal oido one cannot receive enough flow of the blood, the most specific type of vertigos happens that it is - vertigo. The internal oido one is very sensible to the alterations of smaller importance of the flow of the blood, and all the causes mentioned for the poor circulation to the brain also are applied specifically the internal oido one.

2. Injury: A fracture of the skull that damages the internal oido one produces a deep vertigo and that incapacitates with loss of nausea and ear. The will of the vertigos lasts by several weeks, then improvement slowly whereas the normal side (another one) assumes the control all the functions of the internal oido one.

3. Infection: The virus, such as those that cause to the "common cold" or the "influenza," can attack oido internal and the their connections of the nerve the brain. This can give rise to a severe vertigo, but the hearing is saved generally. Nevertheless, a bacterial infection as mastoiditis that extends in the internal oido one will totally destroy the hearing and the function of the balance of that ear. The severity of the vertigos and the time of the recovery will be similar to that one described above with a fracture of the skull.

4. Allergy: Some people experience attacks of the vertigos and/or the vertigo when they expose it to foods or airborne particles (such as dust, molds, pollens, danders, etc.) to which she she is allergic.

5. Neurological diseases: A number of diseases of the nerves can affect the balance, as multiple sclerosis, sífilis, tumors, etc. These are infrequent causes, but his doctor will think of them during the examinación.

What the doctor will do for my vertigos?

The doctor will request that you describe your vertigos, if is I navigate or a sensation of the movement, how long and how the vertigos have worried to him often, how long a navigated episode hard, and if is associate to loss of ear or nausea and to vomit. He can be that the circumstances are requested him that could bring in a navigated enchantment. You will need to answer questions on your general health, any recent medicine that you are taking, injuries in the head, infections, and other questions on your ear and neurological system. His doctor will examine his ears, nose, and the throat and to test of the nerve and the balance works. Because the internal oido one controls the balance and the hearing, the disorders of the balance often affect the hearing, and vice versa. Therefore, his doctor will recommend probably the tests of the hearing (audiograms). In some cases the doctor could request rays of skull X, an exploration of CT or MRI of his head, or the special tests of the movement of the eye after the hot water or fries is used to stimulate the internal oido one (English-electronystagmography). In some cases, the analyses of blood or an evaluation of the cardiology (heart) could be recommended. Each patient will not require each test. It will be the judgment of the doctor (based on each one of the results in each particular patient) who determines itself what studies are necessary. Similar, the treatments recommended by their doctor will depend on the diagnosis.

What I can make to reduce vertigos?

1. Avoid the fast changes in the position, specially to lie down to be ascending unemployed or to give return from a side around to the other. 2. Avoid the ends of the main movement (that watches specially for above) or of the fast main movement (which it gives return or that twists specially). 3. Eliminate or you diminish the use of the products that deteriorate the circulation, e.g., nicotine, caffein, and you leave. 4. Reduce to the minimum his exhibition to the circumstances that precipitate their vertigos, such as tension and the anxiety or the substances to which you are allergic. 5. Avoid the dangerous activities when you are navigated, for example to drive an automobile or the operation of the dangerous equipment, or to raise a scale of the step, the etc.

What I can do for the movement disease?

1. Mount always where their eyes will see the same movement that their body and oidos internal feel, e.g., siéntese in the front seat of the car and watch the distant landscape; go for above in the cover of the ship and watch the movement of the horizon; it siéntese by the window of it airplane and watches outside. In it airplane chooses a seat on the wings where it is except the movement.

2. It does not read whereas it travels if you are according to movement disease, and she does not feel the other way around in coatings of a seat.

3. It does not watch nor it speaks with another traveller who is having movement disease.

4. Avoid the strong scents and the sharp or grasientos foods that do not agree with you (immediately before and during of its route). The medical research has still not investigated the effectiveness of popular popular remedies such as "cakes of soda water and 7 upon" or "excessive ice of the syrup of the tail."

5. It takes one from the varieties of medicines of the movement disease before its route begins, according to the recommended thing by his doctor.

Some of these medications can be bought without a prescription (that is to say, Dramamine, Bonine, Marezine, etc.). Stronger medicines such as nervous depressing tranquilizers and of the system will require a prescription of their doctor. Some are used in form of the pill or suppository; another one is used (scopolamine) as to small stick-in I mend were applied to the skin behind the ear.

Remember: Most of the cases of the disease of the vertigos and movement they are same-treatable smooth disorders and one. But the severe cases, and those that get to be progressively worse, deserve the attention and the care of a doctor with abilities specialized in the diseases of the ear, the nose, the throat, the balance, and the neurological systems.


Adapted of the American academy of otorrinolaringología - Head and Neck Surgery, Inc., prince Street, GO 22314-3357 of Alexandría

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